Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Transfer 17 Week 1  Nov. 28-Dec. 4  Week B1
     Ye who now will bless the poor, shall yourself find blessings
Preaching:  As most of you already know, we are home.  We have spent lots of time unpacking and made several trips to the D.I.  Nice it is close here.  Here are a few things that we have learned from missionary service.
  1. The best way to help people is one on one. (H.T., V.T. or just a visit)
  2. Heavenly Father loves his missionaries
  3. The gospel changes people
  4. Leaders need to be converted…self reliance, addition recovery, family history, missionary work and many more.  Those in the trenches need the support of leaders.
  5. It’s called missionary work because it takes work.  Then people say no, thats when the work  starts. To quote a line from A League of Their Own, “If it was easy, everyone would do it.” 
  6. You have to give to receive.
  7. Blessings are poured out more than room to receive them. 
  8. The Book of Mormon is the best tool in missionary work.
  9. These are just a few.  We loved serving and will miss the people we met and worked with.  This is the Church of Jesus Christ.  Thomas S. Monson is a prophet.  How thankful we are to have a prophet at this time.  Until we  meet again, Love Joyce and Art
Monday:  This is the week we have been waiting for.  Last week was busy and this one will be the same only shorter on this end.  Joyce got the kids to school since Art was running late.  We started packing now that the talks are over with.  We are trying to make sure we have room in the pick-up so we know what to get rid of before Friday.  Most of the day was spent cleaning and packing.  The Spanish Elders came over to let us know who stayed and who got transferred.  Elder Richards is now a District Leader.  The Fish family invited us over for supper in the evening.  Joyce has their two boys, Lehi and Hyrum, in her primary class.  Sister Fish made a yummy dish, and the boys enjoyed the Snickers Salad that we brought! 
 Tuesday:  We got Eldrex on the bus, walked Princes Joy to school, and got more packing done.  Eldrex had a dentist appointment so we got him from school and walked to the dentist at Holly Park. He wouldn’t cooperate so they are going to schedule him at the U of W where they can sedate him.  Elder Bohne and his parents stopped in to visit us in the morning.  They are touring Seattle before taking him home. He is another favorite.  The Elder Sisters had us over for dinner in the evening.  It was a yummy dinner of enchiladas.  Art put up the lights that they had purchased out  on their deck, so that was fun, and then Skyway A Elders saw us outside and so they stopped in to visit.  We stopped at Wal-Mart on the way home.  There was a man running around the parking lot shooting his gun in the air.  He had a white shirt on, so was easy to watch as he shot his gun and rummaged through some stuff.  We won’t miss that excitement!
Wednesday: We started the day with our daily schedule of putting Eldrex on the bus and walking Princes Joy to school.  Our last district meeting was today.  One last time to role-play.  We took a bunch of things to give away so we won’t have to deal with them.  The Elders took a lot of the food, but not to many clothes.  Princes Joy had a dentist appointment in the afternoon.  She did great and needs to brush better and have fluoride rinse.    Then, we did lots more packing.  Ivar called and wanted us to take Reymark, Eleazar  and him to the church for a three on three basketball tournament.  We told him that we didn’t know he liked to play basketball, but he reminded us how good Reymark and Eleazar are and assured us that it would be a great tournament and that they would  probably win.  Their first game was to be at 7:00 p.m. When we picked up Reymark and Eleazar we found out that Reymark and Ivar were fighting and Ivar was not going.  It was all a set up.  Joyce went to walk down to get Ivar to come, and Eleazar ran after her.  He told Sister Knowles that Ivar maybe would meet us all at the church.  We talked and reminded Reymark to be kind to Ivar on the drive to the church.  When we got to the church we saw Ivar and his mom carrying things into the church.  We needed to pick up the twins to watch the tournament, and Dylan, the YM President came running out to tell us not to leave.  But, we assured him we just needed to pick up the girls and would be right back.  We went to pick up Ruth and Rubi; and Joshua, their brother,  decided to come and had made brownies.  We still didn’t have a clue what was really going on.  The gym was set up for the Tiffany Park activity, but Dylan met us, and told us  that we were going to have a little food first in the YW’s room first.  To make a long story short, Ivar had organized some of the ward members and they were giving us a surprise party.  It was fun to visit with Ivar’s mom, who is just coming back to church.  There were ward members there from the YM’w, YW’s, bishopric, and the Primary.  There was tons of food, Evelyn had made Pancit, Filipino food, there was chicken, pizza, ice cream, brownies from Joshua, cookies made by ivar, and lots more!  Ivar had organized the whole thing.  We had no idea and were pretty surprised.  After we ate and visited for a while, Beverlyn and Dylan had everyone tell their favorite memories with us.  Lots more good-bys. Lots more tears! 
Thursday:  Eldrex had appointments at Children's Hospital most of the day. Eldrex got his last cast off, then to Physical Therapy, and  then all of the doctors that had worked with Eldrex came in and watched him walk in his walker with the brace on his left leg.  Estrella has been working with him a lot, and they were all amazed at his progress.  Joyce went with them and Art stayed home and packed more things,  In the evening we rode the Link into Seattle to meet Karen.  It was her birthday and our wedding anniversary so we all went out to dinner.  Art needed to exchange the jacket from the green house Acostas for a different size.  Downtown was all lit up with Christmas decorations and there were tons of shoppers out.  After dinner we walked to the Walking Company (shoe store)  to change shoes for Joyce but we missed the closing time.  It was a nice evening weather wise, so it was a nice walk anyway.  We were supposed to go to Nordstrom’s, so that Joyce could do her visiting teaching with Kyla Jackson, but there was a big sale there, and a line around the building, so we said our good byes to Karen and rode the Link Light Rail to Columbia City.  Then, we walked to the Dangs for one last visit.  We were able to visit with Tu and tell him good-by.  The kids were in the bath tub and getting ready for bed so we missed them and Kristin.  At least we were able to make contact with the family and say good-by.  We surely do hope that they will come back to church someday.    
Friday:  Joyce helped get Eldrex on the bus and walked Princes Joy to school for the last time. She had a bunch of forms from Children’s Hospital.   Art stayed home because Jane and Apollo were going to stop by, which they never did.  We attended our last Institute class in the morning.  The Elder Sisters were with us.  We will surely miss the Holliday’s and Elder Holliday’s class each Friday morning!  The rain is back in full force.  After the class we drove to the DI in Federal Way, dropped off a load of things and then met Hermana Yost and Jorgensen for lunch.  We made some visits in the afternoon before starting to pack the pick-up. We were able to visit Sister Skipps, Sister Schotts, Holly house and Green house.  Sister Schwatak and Ivar didn’t answer.  We stopped by the Buddhist Temple and told Soveth Moun good-by.  They were having some kind of a celebration and wanted us to stay, but we needed to get home and pack.  The Spanish Elders came over and carried the heavy things to the pickup.  They stated talking to a man so we lost their help.  Skyway B stopped in so we could tell them what needed looking into.  They took the seven Book of Mormon’s that Joyce had written testimonies in so they could deliver them for us.  We just ran out of time.  The parking garage security made us stop  packing at 10:00.
Saturday:  We got up early to finish packing and Joyce cleaned.  The plan was to leave by 8:00 then, 10:00, then 12:00 and we finally left Seattle at 2:30.  It takes a long time to pack a clean an apartment!  We had to drop off a few things at the Elder Sisters so they could  pass out a few things for us at church.  Joyce had made a thank-you gift with our address and e-mail that we wanted a few members to have.  We had delivered most of them, but there were a few more we added to the list at the last minute.  We drove as far as Ontario, Oregon and stopped there at midnight for the night.  The roads were dry most of the way, except on a few of the passes we had to go over.  Because of the late start we went on I-90 instead of I-5. 
Sunday:  We attended church at the Ontario 1st ward.  All three meetings were very good!  After church we filled up with gas, ate and hit the road for the last leg of the trip.  Again we had dry roads most of the way.  Just a little rain every once in a while, but nothing bad.  We got home around 6:00.  The family had made signs for us, and the boys hid in the garage to scare us!

Supper was ready and it was nice to come home to a nice warm, decorated for Christmas house!  It was so good to be home and see Allison’s, AnJ’s and Jake’s families. We called Mom and Dad and will go see them tomorrow!

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Transfer 16 Week 6  Nov. 21-27  Week B2
Preaching: Gratitude for PRAYER!  Once there was a family that wanted to come to the United States of America.  The Father came first, and some  children.  The mother and some children had to stay behind in their country.  The mother had a son that was a healthy, beautiful baby boy.  Tragedy struck one day in the form of seizures and stroke.   The sweet six month old baby boy was put in a hospital.  The doctors came in every day with treatments.  The mother thought her son was getting worse and one day he was unconscious.  The doctors had sad looks on their faces like the little boy would not ever recover.  The mother prayed and prayed and she prayed for her son.  One day, three months later, the baby woke up enough for the mother to take him home from the hospital, though he was still very ill.  The mother and children came to America to join their family, where the little boy grew.  He could crawl, but not walk.  The mother kept praying for her son, that he would walk.  She also kept praying for the true church.  She knew her church did not have all the answers about a loving Heavenly Father and forever families.  She prayed and prayed for the right church to believe in for herself, and for her family.  The missionaries knocked on her door.  Many missionaries taught them.  She and her daughters listened to the missionaries.   The mother and two of her daughters joined the church.  This mother kept coming to church and praying for her family to join the church, and that her son would someday walk.  Another daughter was baptized.  Missionaries soon discovered that there were two teenage sons in the home, one very shy, and one not so shy.  Missionaries began teaching these two, and then they discovered their was also a darling little girl and little boy.  The two teenage sons were baptized.  One of the senior missionaries said, “Elder
Palo, that littlest boy cannot walk.”  Elder Palo replied that he believed he could because he could get all around the front room  during lessons.  The senior missionary kept watching.  The youngest daughter was baptized and everyone kept praying for the little boy.  One day Elder Lapalinin  said, “I don’t believe that little boy can walk, he just crawls.”  The mother’s prayers had been answered when everyone realized this.  Help began for her son with doctors appointments at Holly Park Clinic and then referrals to Seattle Children’s Hospital.  The mother kept praying.  Her husband, who had said that he would never join our church, was finally taught the gospel and believed it.  He was baptized.  There continued to be doctors, and more doctors for the little boy. There was physical therapy and finally surgery on his leg.  There was six weeks in a big cast where he could not put any weight on his leg.   Then, there was another cast. There were wheelchairs, walkers, and braces.  The mother and family kept praying.  There were many boys and girls in Primary Classes that prayed and prayed for this little boy, that he could someday walk.  Now, he was one of them each week as he sat in his wheel chair, and Hyrum would ask, “Is he walking yet, because I keep praying.”  What I have learned from this story is the power of prayer, of a mother named Estrella.  And yes, and the power of prayer when that prayer is joined by others.  That this little boy can now walk with a walker is a miracle, and everyone keeps praying that someday soon, he will be walking without his walker.  Sincere prayers also take the form of sincere gratitude for blessings received.  When we went to the home of this family last night, Rubi said a most gracious blessing of thanks on all the food.  We are all so thankful at this time of Thanksgiving for a loving Heavenly Father that hears and answers prayers.  Princes Joy said, “My mom always gets her prayers answered.  My mom prayed for the true church and Heavenly Father sent missionaries.  My mom prayed for my brother to walk and Heavenly Father sent senior missionaries to us.”  This mom says mighty prayers.  She prays until she feels the spirit, just like Enos in the Book of Mormon.   Enos 1:4  “And my soul hungered; and I kneeled down before my Maker, and I cried unto him in mighty prayer and supplication for mine own soul; and all the day long did I cry unto him; yea, and when the night came I did still raise my voice high that it reached the heavens.”  What a blessing to serve a mission and get to be the answer to someone’s prayer.  May we love the opportunity of talking to our Heavenly Father each and every day on our knees and strive to keep a prayer in our hearts.  I know that Heavenly Father is always there for us and wants us to reach up to Him. He wants to listen to us and we will never get a busy signal.
Monday:  There was no school this week so we slept in until 7:00.  At 10:00 there was a meeting at the school for Eldrex and Princes Joy. (Parent teacher conference.)  They are both doing well.  The meeting for Eldrex was with all those who work with him, Miss Weaver - teacher, Alex-PT, Janette, OT, and Andrea - speech.  Today is the only day the forecast isn’t rain so we hauled Karens bed and night stands to the Bishop’s home so he can store it.  One more thing off the to-do list!   Most of the afternoon we did laundry, phone calls and Joyce made some soup. Art worked on Eldrex’s walker.  Joyce is trying to clean out the refrigerator and cupboard of extra food.  In the evening we went to a good-by dinner at Matzalan Mexican Restaurant with Jennifer and Jenny Amasquez.  We love this mother and daughter.  We have helped them move a couple of times and they wanted us to go to dinner with them before we left.  Jennifer is in the Primary Presidency and we’ve been through a lot together, especially since Gideon has come from Africa.  
Tuesday:  We had our last district meeting for this transfer today.  We role played with the sister missionaries.  It was a good meeting.  Afterwards we took our district picture for the last time.  We ran to the Bishops Storehouse for a food order.  The place was busy with Thanksgiving coming up.  Most of the afternoon we spent cleaning the Johnson’s old apartment.  There was lots of cleaning to do to get it ready so Joyce Johnson can turn the keys back in.  They still fight all the time when they talk on the phone, but they are pretty good when they are around us.  It is pretty entertaining to hear them even thou we don’t understand the language. It’s pretty clear what is going on. In the evening we picked up Diane Nardi and drove to her friend’s house (Lucy).  It was pouring rain and in the going home traffic so it took us two hours to drive twenty miles.  Lucy was going to give us a massage for her school hours because she has to practice.  Since we were late, Joyce went first for 45 minutes and Art went second for one half hour.  Then, we got to drive back home in the pouring rain, but the traffic wasn’t too bad.  The Spanish Elders came over shortly after we got home to visit for a while.  Elder Richards is having a rough time accepting the fact that we are leaving for home.
Wednesday:  We went to Northwest Harvest for the last time.   We boxed rolled oats.  After saying our good-buys we hurried home so Joyce could catch the van and ride to the hospital with Eldrex and Estrella for a Physical Therapy Appointment.  Just one comment about Northwest Harvest, we started going there shortly after arriving so we have gotten to know several of the staff and regular volunteers very well.  When we first started serving there the regular volunteers were pretty cold to us and the other missionaries.  They mostly all are very friendly, now.  There is one man  that Art has had a hard time with, he was kind of bossy.  It was our last day there and Art and him finally started talking to each other.  Some things just take time.  While Joyce was at the hospital, Art stayed and took down pictures, washed walls and did some packing.  At 5:30 we started picking up kids for Achievement days and Young Men’s.  When we got to the church there was no YM activity so they played basketball.  Joshua Acosta came to the church with a present for each of us that he and Jenefer had gotten to give us from them and Ruth and Rubi.  It was a thank you - good-by gift; a beautiful coat for Art and a designer purse for Joyce.   Wow!  We felt humbled and spoiled! The girls made snowmen out of mason jars, with marshmallows, packages of hot chocolate mix, markers and ribbon.  They turned out very good.  
Thursday Happy Thanksgiving:  We went to the mission activity in the morning with the four north zones at the Federal Way Stake Center. The Rasmussen were there with some of their family that is here. We had a good time visiting and watching the missionaries play basketball and volleyball.  Joyce played a few games of banana grams (thanks to Sister Chamberlain!). Elder Mortensen has wrecked on his bike and he looks pretty rough.  He will go to Harborview Hospital on Monday to check out his facial fractures.  He had to just lay down most of the activity with an ice pack on his face. Pray for the missionaries.  We have had a bunch of bike accidents the past few weeks.  His face is all black, blue, and swollen.  Reminds us of Joyce when she had her tubing accident at Lava in the River.  After the activity we drove back to Renton, picked up Sister Beck and Diane Nardi, and then met the
Employment office sisters at Sizzler for Thanksgiving dinner.  Diane is lonely and wanted to play some games so we took Sister Beck home, then went to our place and played a round of Phase Ten.  Joyce won.  Nobody could believe it!  We took Diane home, then stopped at the Meldrums for pie.  They had invited us over for dinner but we already had plans and were sad we did not come for dinner.  Diane needed us to take her out, since we are trying to help her and perhaps someday she will want to return to church.   So, we said we would come later for some pie.  It rained all day and was cold.  Art and Diane are at opposite ends of the political spectrum but they got along all day.  We are very thankful for all of our friends and family at home and all the friends we have made from serving a mission.  Several of them are like family and we will miss them, but we aren’t saying goodby just “see you later.”   We have also met people that have made us more aware of the freedom we have and we are thankful for that.  Even with all problems, the bottom line is that people want to come to America for freedom and opportunities to succeed.
Friday:  We did a lot of catching up today.  We both cleaned and worked on our talks and Joyce got her hair cut. Art did get some more packing while Joyce was getting her hair cut. We took eight missionaries out to supper for helping us move Joyce Johnson on their Preparation day.   We went to Jimmy Macs Roadhouse, and we forgot to take a picture with them!  Anyway, we had a great time.  
Saturday:   We caught the bus early and went to the temple for the last time with Ana Margarita Sanchez.  She is the dearest lady, but gets car sick, so we ride the bus.  We got there a little early, so were able to do a few names for initiatory, which Margarita really enjoyed.  Then, when we got to the session, it was the 10;00 session, and President and Sister Rasmussen, President and Sister Layman, and all the departing missionaries were in that session!  It was so nice to get to go through the temple with all of them!  They invited us to eat with them in the Temple cafeteria.  In the dressing room, Sister
Rasmussen hugged me and asked if this was the last time she would see me.  I laughed and said, “Yes, unless, I can talk Margarita into eating in the cafeteria.”  Well, Margarita wanted to go to our favorite eating place by Deseret Book before catching the bus back to Renton.  Anyway, it was a tender mercy to get to be in the temple with the cute elders and sisters that are going home.  We knew all but one of them.  Mary Ann Acosta had called and wanted us to go to their house when we got home from the temple.  So, at 4:30, we walked down to the Acosta’s.  Their house was dark, not a single light on, but we knocked anyway.  Suddenly, all the lights came on, the door flew open, and everyone yelled, “Surprise!”  It was the grandest party!  Almost all of the Acosta’s were there:  from the Green House there was Jenefer, Irma, Joshua, Ruth, and Rubi.  From the Holly House there were:  Ric, Estrella,
Mary Ann, Sunshine, Michelle, Eleazar, Reymark, Princes Joy, and Eldrex.  Also, Geraldine and Nhoy were there along with Ivar Macapugal.  Ivar has started coming back to church and blesses the sacrament with Eleazar.  You would not believe all the food, some American, some Filipino dishes.  It was all delicious!  Then, they brought out pies for dessert.  Art’s favorite:  chocolate pie and coconut cream pie!  We thought the party was over when they gave us a big picture that they had made of us at Children’s Hospital, but then the rest of the gifts started.  Joyce unwrapped three different coats:  a burgundy leather one from Estrella, a brown one from Geraldine, and a black and white one from Sunshine.  Michelle had got her a darling burgundy sweater and Princes Joy gave her a cute stuffed animal that you put in the microwave and sleep with when you have aches and pains.  Wow! 
Art opened three coats, one from Eleazar, one from Michelle, and one from Mary Ann.  Reymark gave Art his B B Gun, and Princes Joy gave him a cute stuffed animal!  The hard part about accepting all these expensive gifts is that these people do not have very much money.  We felt very loved!  Each one had written us a beautiful card of appreciation along with the gift.  The cards were so tender and sincere that Sister Knowles couldn’t quit crying.  Estrella kept saying, “Cold in Idaho, Sister Knowles,” and kept hugging her.  It was an emotional evening.  Sunshine wanted to drive us home, but we always walk to and from the Acosta’s, so we said we could walk, so they all accompanied us home to our apartment, each carrying one of our many gifts.  Then, Joshua came and picked them all up and they all piled in his small car!  What a fun day!  We asked them if they would all come to church to hear Eleazar speak, and we were going to be speaking as well.  They each said they would be there.  Joyce stayed up until one in the morning working on her talk.

Sunday:  We got a phone call and Diane Nardi wants a ride to church!  She said she would come to hear us speak.  Elder Knowles joked with her and told her that if she would have come back to church, we would have left a long time ago!  Then, we got a phone call from Dana and Brianna for a ride, so we had to enlist the help of Shiela Jackson, our Primary President .  We also had many of the Acosta’s to pick up and Ivar Macapugal.  It took lots of cars to get all the Acosta’s to church, but they all came, even Geraldine and Nhoy, who are not members.  Also, Jenefer and Irma came with Ruth and Rubi, so we had lots of non members there.  I hope our talks were okay. Eleazar did an awesome job, and when he ended with his  sweet testimony, Sister Knowles had a hard time holding it together for her talk.  After church, we went to Diane’s to get some food, and then back to our apartment to make turkey casserole.  It was very good - Art’s favorite!  We played some games and then Jared’s family called, then Joshua’s family called, and then Jake tried to call.  We finally took Diane home.  Wow, an exhausting week! Love Joyce and Art

Monday, November 21, 2016

Transfer 16 Week 5 Nov. 14-20 Week B3
The winds of tribulation that blow out the candle of commitment in some people, will fan the flame of faith in others
Preaching:  These notes are from the Thursday night fireside that the senior missionaries had after dinner at President and Sister Rasmussen’s home:  We are all sons and daughters of God.  Believe you are called to be at a specific place at a specific time and don’t question when others are called to exotic places, or when you perhaps may lose a financial reward.  Heavenly Father will bless you with trials to make you grow, as Elder Gay in Africa. He had just received a phone call telling him that his partner had just sold his (the partner) half of the financial fund from their business.  Elder Gay had sold his half three years earlier when he had been called as a mission president. He had missed out on millions of dollars by selling early, perhaps more.  He questioned why he could not have waited three more years before being called on his mission.   Then, he was in a terrible wreck and he has a permanent “African tattoo” to prove it all over his arm where his arm was rubbed raw and bled on the dirt  and grit as his vehicle turned over and skidded down a bomb torn road in Sierra Leone.  As they waited hours for another vehicle to come along the seldom traveled road, Elder Gay wondered why he was there.  Another vehicle finally came and took him to a small, isolated clinic.  The doctor advised Elder Gay that he needed more treatment on his badly wounded, bleeding arm, but that he could clean it.  As this doctor numbed, cleaned, and dressed the wound, the doctor explained that a few months ago he had no tools or supplies in his clinic.  All the things that this doctor was using was donated by a husband and wife, a missionary couple, from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.  This doctor thought that would interest Elder Gay, since Elder Gay wore the same name badge, of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, on his shirt.  This missionary couple had generously given the supplies to this doctor’s clinic. Elder Gay was being the recipient of their gift.   Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ are in the details.  Know that as you serve where you are, that Heavenly Father has a plan for you to get back to Him. And hopefully, you will bring many people along with you.  
Monday:  It was a good day to be moving somebody and that’s what we did.  First thing we got Eldrex and Princes Joy to school and our usual p-day things.  It had rained all morning but by the time we picked up the u-haul it cleared and ended up being a good day.  Skyway B and the Spanish Elders helped us pack the first load and Skyway A helped us unpack.  In between we took Skyway B and the Spanish Elders to lunch.  Joyce J. and Thomas were fighting all day while we were moving them.  The second load we ended up packing ourselves but Skyway A did come back and helped us unload.  They were life savers! It was hard asking the Elders to give up their p-day and help us.  There was still more to move but we needed to get the truck back to u-haul before they closed.  It took us a lot longer than we planned so we will have to finish tomorrow with the pick-up.  We were pretty tired when we finally got home. 
Tuesday:  Eldrex had a doctors appointment so no going to school.  Joyce went with Estrella and Art went to the district meeting.  It took a while to get going in the morning.  We’re not as young as we thought we were.  The moving took a toll.  With Joyce gone we had to sing without the piano.  The meeting was good and Art didn’t have to role play since Joyce wasn’t there.  He just was the “investigator” for the sister missionaries.  After a quick lunch we went to the Johnson’s to finish moving.  We thought we were just moving the crib, (we didn’t have the tools to take it apart yesterday) and ended up with a big pick-up load.  We were blessed that the rain held off until we got it unloaded.  The Spanish Elders helped us unload and put the beds together, plus move the bedroom furniture around.   It was pouring rain by the time we finished helping Joyce.   We needed to stop at Wal-Mart on the way home for things for the salad on Thursday. When we got home,  Joyce worked on the picture book for the Acostas and Art went to bed.  The moving has made us a little sore.  We still need to move a few things from our apartment that we are giving the Johnson’s  and Karens bed but not sure when we will get it done.  
Wednesday:  First thing in the morning was down to the Acosta’s as usual to get Eldrex on the bus and walk Princes Joy to school. There was no rain.  We took the Elder Sisters to Northwest Harvest where we boxed dried beans.  After the service we all went to lunch along with the young sister missionaries, (Sister Leavitt and Young).  We have to get permission from our district leader for them to go with us since it is out of their area.  Joyce Johnson wanted Joyce to read the Book of Mormon with her.  Art dropped Joyce off there then he ran a few errands.  We had a few things at our apartment that we are giving her so Art went and picked those up while Joyce helped her put a few things away in her apartment.  We should have her settled in now, except for a few more things we will give her when we leave.  We came home and went to the Bishop/missionary meeting in the evening.  Joyce is worried about the primary girls and achievement days.  The Bishop said he will get somebody called soon.  Joyce suggested that maybe the Elder
Sisters could help but they didn’t seem to excited about doing that.
Thursday:  We picked up the Elder Sisters and went to our meeting from 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. at the stake center with Elder Robert Gay.  He is touring the mission.  We met with the Renton, Kent and Federal Way Zones and the rest of the mission will meet tomorrow morning.  With the three zones meeting together, we got to see lots of our favorite missionaries.  The meeting was great.  Elder Gay taught us how to teach better by getting to know the needs of those we teach.  After this meeting we drove to the Mission Home and ate supper with Elder Gay, his wife Lynn, the Rasmussens and all the Senior missionaries.  It was another good evening.  Elder Gay talked a lot about the Self Reliance program and we found out that he wrote the “My Foundation” part of it.  It was interesting to hear how this is be rolled out since we have been involved being facilitators in the pilot program in the Renton Stake.  After dinner he talked to us all (kind of a mini-fireside) about the importance of senior missionaries and said again that the church only fills 40% of the requests for senior missionaries.  We drove the Elder Sisters home after lots of good-by’s.  We won’t be seeing most of the Senior missionaries again.
Friday: We attended the institute class in the morning without Sister Stevenson.  She stayed home to look for her hearing aid that she lost yesterday.  She did find it at the Renton  Stake Center.  It was another good class.  Somebody had broken several of the bricks on the building with a hammer.  We were told that things are getting bad in Auburn.  After class we took Sister Beck out for lunch.  Sister Stevenson didn’t want to go.  She is getting ready for her family which is coming tomorrow, Saturday, and her family will spend Thanksgiving with her.  The rest of the day we stayed in and worked on a few projects. Joyce checked on Estrella to see how things went with her the last couple of days at the hospital.  Everything went great for them.   It was very cold and windy so it was a good day to stay in and catch up.  
Saturday:  It was another cold and rainy morning.  We went with the Acostas to Columbia Tower for our last field trip with them.  Jenefer and Irma didn’t go because of the rain, but Geraldine and Nhoy came with us.   Geraldine is Estrella and Ric’s oldest daughter here in the United States.  She and Nhoy, her husband, have a beautiful home and live fairly close.  We keep praying that we can interest them in the gospel.  We had the twins, Princes Joy, Reymark, Eleazar, Eldrex, Estrella, Geralden, Nhoy  and us, 11 in all. Geralden is due to have her baby on the 30th, this month. We had a great time and they loved the view from Columbia Tower.  It was a steep climb up the hill to the Columbia Tower from the Light Rail Station, but Geraldine made it with Nhoy, to help her.  It was raining coming down the after being up on the tower.  Reymark fell, then Ruth, so Elder Knowles kept asking Sister Knowles if she had B Boy and the wheelchair in control!  After riding the Link home we stopped at our favorite Vietnamese restaurant and ate a late lunch.  The twins stayed with us, so we rode the bus to their house and dropped them off, and then rode the bus into
Renton for our “Thanksgiving Feast” with Brother Marler and all the missionaries in the area. While walking the twins home from the bus stop, we got a call from Bro. Lopez.  It looks like we will have to speak in church next Sunday.   We had some time before dinner with Bro. Marler so we walked around the library.  Dinner with Bro. Marler is always fun.  The food was very good.  All the Skyway missionaries were there except Sister Stevensen.  Her family is here, for Thanksgiving, so she stayed with them.   Since it is a high crime area, Sister Beck gave us a ride home, instead of us riding the bus as we had planned.  After the cold and rain in the morning it ended up being a sunny afternoon and a nice evening.  

Sunday:  Another busy morning picking up for church until we found out some were not coming to church.  We did have some of the Acostas to pick up.  Church went well.  They split the primary class into boys and girls, as requested by Sister Knowles.  The boys are the noisy ones.   They were going to split by age, but you would lose the girls.  Princes Joy,
Ruth, and Rubi are still very shy until they get to know new people.   After church we took the Acostas home and ate lunch.  Karen rode the bus to our place and went to the devotional with us.  It was another good devotional.  There was a quartet that sang, Elder Sumsion, Rex, Samuelson and Samuel.  We have worked with all of them and they are very good singers.  That made our day!  It was in the southern part of the mission so it is the last time we will see several of the missionaries.  Some we will get to see one last time on Thanksgiving at the missionary activity. They divide the mission for the Thanksgiving activity, so we will only see the missionaries in the northern half. We drove Karen back to Kirkland so it was a long night on the road.  It wasn’t raining so that was good.  Jake and Jared called before we left for the devotional but we just missed Josh’s call.  Those calls are what get us through the week.  As you can see we are trying to get things in place for the big day that is fast approaching.  This was a really good week with the visit from Elder Gay and getting Joyce Johnson moved.  The to-do list is getting smaller, but still a ways to go.  Love you all Joyce and Art.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Transfer 16 Week 4  Nov. 7-13  Week B4
        To diet, or not to diet: That is the Question
Preaching:  Read Mosiah 18:8-10 & Fill in the blanks for Family Home Evening:
This is how we witness to take upon us Christ’s name, to keep His commandments, and to always remember Him during the sacrament and daily as we think of our baptismal covenants:  1.  Be desirous to come into the fold of ____________________.
2.  Be willing to bear one another’s burdens, that they may be ____________________.
3.  Be willing to comfort those that stand in need of ____________________.
4.  That ye will serve ____________________.
5.   Keep  His (God’s) __________________________________. 
These are the rewards, the promised blessings:
1.  Be redeemed of ____________________.
2.  Be numbered with those of the first resurrection to have ____________________ ____________________.
3.  Pour out His Spirit more abundantly upon  ____________.
The Holy Ghost, the Spirit, is a powerful companion to bring you joy, peace, inspiration, and comfort.  
Object Lesson:  put water in a bowl and sprinkle with pepper (to represent sin)
Put a drop of dishwashing soap into the center to drive the sin away to the outside of the bowl.   
To invite His Spirit, the Holy Ghost, into my life I can repent: SOAP
S - Scripture Study,
O - Obey Commandments,
A - Attend Church, and 
P - P ________ every day: morning, night and in between
Alki Beach
Monday:  We got up early and did our school thing.  The weather looked pretty good so after doing a few preparation-day things we rode the bus to Alki Beach, in West Seattle.  The tide was in, so not much beach was showing.  We walked both directions from the bus stop, looking for the lighthouse.  It was a nice fall day for a walk.  We finally got some direction and found the lighthouse.  It was closed for the season. There were several eating places along the beach so we stopped for a late lunch.  On the way home we got off the bus at SODO and rode the Link into Seattle.  The Link was packed with Seahawk fans (Monday night football).  The plan was to go to Nordstrom's so Joyce could visit Sister Jackson and do her V.T.  She didn’t work today.  Next stop was the Walking Company where Joyce bought some much needed new shoes.  We figured by now the going home and football crowd would be thinned out enough to ride the Link home.  It was still pretty crowded, but we’ve seen worse.  We had a good day and the weather was great.  No rain.
Elder and Sister Knowles, Sister Pope
Sister Pope is best friends with a family that
 Elder Knowles taught while in South Carolina
Tuesday:  It was a very sunny day.  We helped get the kids to school and stopped at Safeway on the way home, picked up a few things, came home and made some soup. We did some rearranging so we could get a few boxes for Joyce Johnson to move with.  Estrella had a dentist appointment in the afternoon that Joyce went to and then found out they wanted her to wait until January when she will have insurance.  She has a broken tooth.   Since we had the rest of the day we hit the streets.  We rode the bus as close as we could get to Sister Amante and then walked the rest of the way.  She asked us to visit her neighbor who was being taught a few months ago.  Next stop was Annie Gubuat and Luz Campbell. Luz is a less active member and Annie was also being taught a few months ago.  We gave every one a towel and note with our address and e-mail on it.  We sure love Annie and Luiz.  Annie quit taking the lessons because her husband is sick and was making life so miserable for her when she was coming to church and having the missionary lessons.  She has had to put the church on hold, but assured us that she was still praying and reading the Book of Mormon.  We hope we can stay in contact with some of these people that we are visiting.  By now it was dark so we made the long walk home.  We have our visit list down to twenty from fifty so we are making progress.   
Wednesday:  We attended Zone Conference in Sumner since we can’t attend ours on Friday.  It was a very good meeting as they all are.  The missionaries that are going home before next Zone Conference bore their testimonies, which was us and a couple of others.  We also were able to see a few missionaries that we won’t get to see again, so it was worth the drive.  Sister and President Rasmussen are so easy to visit with.  They filled us in on the plans for the next couple of weeks with Elder Gay visiting.  Should be lots of fun.  We took
after church
some elders home to Puyallup, then hurried back to Renton, dropped some boxes off at Joyce Johnson and stated picking up for achievement days.  We practiced our song for the Primary Program, which will be Sunday, and did a getting to know you activity.  There are two new girls that live by I-90 so it takes awhile to transport them, but taking them home means we miss the missionary meeting, so it’s worth it.  Joyce is trying to make the transition with the ward leaders and it is slow progress.  Sister Jackson is doing a great job, so the girls will be okay.  It was a long day by the time we got everyone and us home.
Thursday:  It was very foggy in the morning, then sunny in the afternoon.  We went to W.W. and hurried home so Joyce could go with Estrella and Eldrex to the hospital.  Art stayed home and worked on the picture books we are making for the Acostas and Karen.  Eldrex got the cast off and a walking cast put on.  It took most of the afternoon by the time Joyce got home.  We went to the missionary meeting to end the day.
Eldrex got a walking cast 
Friday - Veterans Day:  The van came early again to pick up Eldrex.  Joyce ran to the Acostas and Art walked.  We both made it.  Joyce rode in the van and Art went back home, ran a few errands, picked up Princes Joy, (no school today) and drove to the hospital.  Eldrex had two appointments today with a four hour gap between them.  Art drove to the hospital so we could drive to the Ballard Locks between appointments.  We were a little worried about driving in Seattle since they are having riots, over the election, and some streets are closed.  Except for the traffic, things went well.  Because of Veterans Day most places were closed, so the traffic wasn’t as bad as we have seen.  The Locks were fun.  Not a lot of boat traffic and only one fish in the fish ladder.  It was new for Estrella and Eldrex, and they enjoyed it.  Princes Joy had been there once with us, so showing her mom and brother the boat going through the lock was fun for her.  The best part was eating at the Red Totem before going back to the hospital.  It is one of our favorite places to eat and we wanted to go there one more time before going home.  The weather was cool but no rain.  Eldrex did good at the hospital.  They are working on him walking now.  Art waited and drove everyone home instead of calling the Hope link van.  In the evening we had a movie night with the Elder Sisters, Employment Office Sisters and Sister Larsen.  We ate and watched “Angels in the House”.  It is a good family movie.  The rain stared up again by the time we went home.  Sister Stevenson said that this would be our second and last “movie night.”
Ballard Locks between appointments
Saturday:  The rain is back again in full force along with high winds.  Karen wanted to do something with us since it is our last open Saturday that we have, (we were going to move Joyce J. but that had to wait because her apartment will not be ready until Monday).  We all wanted to go on a hike but not sure how the weather would be.  We picked Karen up and went to lunch first.  It was still cold and windy but was starting to clear in a few places.  The mountains had some pretty black clouds over them but we took a chance.  We drove to the Twin Falls trailhead and the weather looked good.  It ended up being perfect weather for hiking.  It was a good hike for us, about five miles round trip.  The first part was along the river, then up and down some hills to reach the falls.  We are not in very good shape so it was a workout.  It was great to be in the mountains and out of the city even with all the people and dogs along the trail.  It seems like everyone has a dog.  After taking Karen home, in Kirkland, we stopped at Sam’s club to fill up with gas.  The Spanish missionaries were there, (they had been texting us to see where we were at).  They were looking for something to eat, so we took them shopping for groceries and got them a hot dog for supper.  It ended up being a great day after the bad weather in the morning.

Twin Falls
Sunday:  Saturday night we had many calls and thought we would have a car full for church, then people started cancelling in the morning. The rain is back.  It was the Primary program for Sacrament meeting and they did a great job.  The twins and Princes Joy all did their parts and sang all the songs.  Our achievement day girls even sang as a group, “I Know That My Savior Loves Me.”  Last year they wouldn’t even sit on the stand.  They have come a long ways.  Jenefer and Irma came to watch them. There were a lot of less active members there.  Maybe we should have a Primary program every week.  President and Sister Rasmussen were also at the meeting.  Joyce taught her primary lesson for the last time and Donella Mitchell and Meri Munson will take over teaching.  Joyce can just help with reverence, which is a huge job with all the people we now have coming to class.  We took the Acostas home, ate lunch, and then Joyce finished the book for Karen so we can get it ordered.  In between we took a few calls from the kids and got things lined up for tomorrows moving job.  Hope everyone had a good week like ours.  We have been trying to get things in order for our big move.  The young sister in our zone have bed bugs so we offered our furniture early if they need it.  The mission is going to replace all of theirs and so they can get rid of the bugs. The mission will end up storing what we use so if they want it now they can have it.   Love Joyce and Art

Monday, November 7, 2016

Transfer 16 Week 3  Oct. 31-Nov 6 Week B5
  “The code is more what you’d call ‘guidelines’ than actual rules.”
Preaching:  “We stand at the crossroads each minute, each hour, each day, making choices.  
 We choose the thoughts we allow ourselves to think, the passions we allow ourselves to feel, and the actions we allow ourselves to perform.
Each choice is made in the context of whatever value system we’ve selected to govern our lives.
In selecting that value system, we are, in a very real way, making the most important choice we will ever make.

Those who believe there is one God who made all things and who governs the world by His Providence will make many choices different from those who do not.
Those who hold in reverence that Being who gave them life and worship Him through adoration, prayer and thanksgiving will make choices different from those who do not.
Those who believe that mankind are all of a family and that the most acceptable service of God is doing good to man will make many choices different from those who do not.
Those who believe in a future state in which all that is wrong here will be made right will make many choices different from those who do not.
Those who subscribe to the morals of Jesus will make many choices different from those who do not.
Since the foundation of all happiness is thinking rightly, and since correct action is dependent upon correct opinion, we cannot be too careful in choosing the value system we allow to govern our thoughts and actions.
And to know that God governs in the affairs of men, that he hears and answers prayers, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him, is indeed a powerful regulator of human conduct.”  Guess who said this?                                                             
Halloween party with missionaries
Monday:  Happy Halloween!  It was a down pour this morning walking Princes Joy to school and getting Eldrex on the bus.  We probably don’t need to help, but when Princes Joy asks if we are coming down it’s hard to say no.  We wish all of you could meet her.  Joyce Johnson called and needed us to come over.  She has to find a new apartment by the end of the month.  It’s a long story.  We talked to her and now we will be helping her get moved.  Joyce (Knowles) wanted to make a visit to Sister Munson about primary.  She is the new teacher and will take Joyce’s place.  We made a visit with her and hope the change will go well with the twins and Princes Joy.  They are pretty attached to Joyce.  In the evening we went to a zone Halloween party with all the missionaries.  The President allowed them to get together so they wouldn’t be out on Halloween.  It was fun.  We watched the young ones play basketball and volleyball, while some of us played Banana grams (thanks Sister Chamberlain!) and then we played “Exploding Kitten.”   
Tuesday:  We attended our district meeting in the morning after picking up the Maple Heights missionaries.  The zone leaders don’t give us much notice to pick up so we were a bit late.  Joyce has a bad cold so we stayed in the rest of the day.  It’s easy to get sick when you seem to be wet all the time.  It was needed to catch up on a few things anyway.
Ric and Eldrex
Wednesday: We found out that October was a record month for rain fall.  Not hard to believe it since we always seem to be carrying on umbrella lately. We worked at Northwest Harvest in the morning. Joyce is still coughing a lot, so she ended up going out and sitting in the pick-up to crochet. (Helping Eldrex and walking Princes Joy to school every morning in the pouring rain is not helping her cold.)  We boxed potatoes and squash.  It was hard work.  After the service project, we took the Tiffany Park missionaries to lunch, Sister Young and Leavitt.  We checked on a few apartments before picking up Joyce J. We spent most of the afternoon with her looking at apartments.  We have been trying to teach her to pray and read the Book of Mormon so she can get some Divine help in finding an apartment .  There is not much out there in her price range and not a lot in any price range. In between checking the score on the World Series, we attended the Bishops meeting. (Art was not the only one there that was interested in the score.)  We also got some good news from Karen, (another tender mercy) that will change our plans for going home.  Don’t worry, it’s not a date change.
Thursday:  Since Eldrex has an appointment today, we didn’t need to help get him on the bus.  He stayed home from school.  Just our luck, we didn’t need to walk  to the Acostas in the morning and there is no rain, lots of sun shine today.  We attended W.W. in the morning then home to get ready for Joyce to go to the hospital with Estrella and Eldrex. The van came early again so we had to run to the Acostas.  Joyce rode to the hospital and Art walked to U-Haul to change the reservation we have there, then came home and worked on the picture books for the Acostas and Karen plus put in a few change of addresses.  Joyce had a long trip with the wait at the hospital and traffic coming home.  Joyce Johnson came over in the evening so she could get some help filling out forms.  Therefore, we missed the missionary meeting.  When she left, the Spanish Elders ended up coming over because all their appointments had canceled and they stayed way too late.  We visited and visited and then we ended up telling them they had to go home…
Friday:  We walked to the Acostas and put Eldrex on the bus.  Another reason we do this is so Ric can sleep.  He works nights.  Princes Joy stayed home from school for her doctors appointment. She is getting her shots for school.  We went to institute, but had to leave early so we could get back in time for the doctors appointment.  Joyce stayed with Princes Joy and Estrella.  Art went home since the wait was so long there, three hours.  The doctors office is only a block away from our apartment, but even though we brought all the school shot records, they had to call and verify the records from the Philippines.  Nancy, Natalie, Lillie,and Kaleb came and  visited us in the late afternoon.  We all went out to eat at our favorite Vietnamese restaurant just down the street from us.  Joyce was happy to see someone from her family.  We did have a good time. Kaleb showed us his Karate moves for his competition and Lily did her “cartwheels” for us.  They are very cute!
Saturday click day:  (the 5th)  We are learning all this missionary vocabulary now it is time to go home.  We just got the transfers, interviews and zone conferences figured out and President Rasmusson is changing the schedule.  The rain is back after our two days of sunshine.  We decided to take the twins, and Michele shopping one last time since it was raining.  Estrella and Princes Joy are sick so we took them some medicine.  Princes Joy came shopping even though she didn’t feel well.  The girls shopped while Art sat in the food court and listened to a book.  We ate lunch in the mall before going home.  We didn’t have much time at home before we started again.  Michele needed a ride to work, so we took her to work and did some grocery shopping. We found out we are feeding Skyway A on Sunday as well as having our last homemade pizza party with all the Acostas. After shopping, we picked up the Elder Sisters to go to the Rasmusson’s for our going home dinner. We were invited to the birthday party at the Green house, for Carlito, when we dropped the twins off, but we already had the dinner with the Rasmusson’s.  It poured rain all night long.  It made the trip to the Rasmusson’s exciting in the rain and dark. 
Lots of wonderful salad and good soups!   They gave us this cool picture.  It was our good-by dinner even though we still have a few weeks left.  November is a busy month  for the President with Zone conference, Elder Gay’s visit, Thanksgiving, and transfers at the end of the month. Sister Rasmussen had invited all the senior missionaries, so there were a lot of people there.  Everyone had to tell something about ourselves at the end of the evening.  It was great fun.  
Sunday:  We enjoyed the extra hour of sleep after the late night.  Only four people to pick up for church, Rachel was one of them, happy day!  It ended up being a busy day.  Art taught Gospel Principles and Joyce had Sister Munson teach for the first time in her class.  They had all the regulars (Ruth, Rubi, Princes Joy, Donni, Lehi, Hyrum, Gideon, and Eldrex, two new girls (Brianna and Dana) that have moved in and three investigators  (Equality, Rudi and ?) so it was a room full, plus, Estrella and Richel came in with Eldrex.  Thank goodness Michelle, Beverlyn and Joyce were there to help out because all the boys are real rowdy, well except Eldrex in his wheel chair.  Sister Munson was overwhelmed at the end of class and asked Joyce what to do.  All she could think of to say was , “Welcome to my world.” 

The Bishop looked in, saw the crowd, with his wife teaching and said, “ I’m going to get an ear full when we get home.”   After church we had the Acostas plus Skyway A over for dinner.  We made sixteen homemade pizzas on flat bread, salad and cake.   Only one and a half little pizza pieces left over. It was a full house. It’s always good when Jenefer and Irma come so they can be around the missionaries.  We hope we have them coming to church next week for the primary program.  We told Irma to invite her grandkids to sing with the twins, Princes Joy and Eldrex.  After dinner the kids wanted to go up on the roof and then to the park.  The missionaries had given us a message before they left.  Irma and Jenefer also left but not before the missionary message.  We keep praying for them.  Jenefer knows the difference the church has made with her kids, but still has not much interest.  The missionaries challenged her to have prayer as a family.  Jenefer has told Joshua, her son, that he must start requesting Sunday’s off so he can attend at least Sacrament Meeting!  A small miracle, and we will take it!  Eleazar bore his testimony in sacrament meeting,  another tender mercy, or miracle, or both.  Eleazar and Estrella will be the ones that hold that family together.  Thomas Johnson was also at church so we visited with him a bit.  Joyce J. is planning on moving this Saturday so time will tell how that goes with her and Thomas.  She apparently has not told him yet that she is moving.  He is home from North Dakota because the work is slow there in the oil fields.  Thomas sends his money to Africa and leaves Joyce Johnson to fend for herself.  All they do is fight.  Gideon was in primary and was a tiny bit better behaved, but it is slow progress.  It was another good week with lots of tender mercies. The package with all the fish and lifesavers from Josh, Rachel and family was a big hit, (we know it was more Rachel than Josh). We will definitely “Keep swimming!”  (especially with all this rain!!!
 Love Joyce and Art

P.S. Benjamin Franklin